Welcome to the application for the Berlin Art Award 2024!
We are delighted about your interest in the Berlin Art Award and warmly invite you to submit your artistic works for this year's award. Our goal is to make the application process as simple and straightforward as possible so that you can apply without much effort.
We look forward to your creative contributions and wish you the best of luck with your application for the Berlin Art Award!
Fill out the form
Please fill out the following form with the required information and link your Instagram profile or website, where we can get an impression of your art. In the second round, you will have the opportunity to provide more information about your art and submit individual works.
Our team will carefully review all submitted applications and evaluate the artworks based on specific criteria. If your works successfully pass the first selection round, you will be invited to the second round. This will allow you to easily verify whether your art is suitable for the Art Award and has realistic chances of being recognized.
Receive Results
After submitting your application, you will receive a confirmation email.
Within 12 business days, you will receive guaranteed feedback on your application.
Note: If you have trouble submitting the form, please try using a computer instead of a smartphone.