Time until the end of the application deadline.
Apply now: Berlin Art Award 2024
Participate for free in just under 2 minute!
Evaluation Criteria: We honor particularly creative achievements. All creatives have a chance, regardless of their current career level.
Requirements: For the initial qualification, all we need is an Instagram account or a website showcasing your artwork.
Let our team evaluate your art for free. Our experts assess your chances of winning and whether you'll proceed to the next round.
Apply now:
Berlin Art Award 2024
Participate for free in just under 2 minutes!
Time until the end of the application deadline.
Evaluation Criteria: We honor particularly creative achievements. All creatives have a chance, regardless of their current career level.
Requirements: For the initial qualification, all we need is an Instagram account or a website showcasing your artwork.
Let our team evaluate your art for free. Our experts assess your chances of winning and whether you'll proceed to the next round.
Who can participate in the Berlin Art Award?
Hobby Artists
Whether you're just starting out or create art as a passionate hobby, all non-professional artists are welcome to participate.
Professional Artists
Established and career artists who have showcased their work in galleries or exhibitions are encouraged to join.
Performance Artists, Photographers, Digital Artists
Artists who specialize in performance art, photography, or digital media are invited to bring their unique perspectives to the competition.
Why it's worth participating
Participating in art awards and winning prizes play a crucial role in an artist's career. These achievements not only bring recognition to their artistic work but also open up a multitude of opportunities that can significantly shape an artist's path in a sustainable way.
Justifying Prices
When an artwork wins an award, it serves as an external proof of quality. For potential buyers, such an accolade is reassuring and affirms the value of the artwork and the artist. This seal of quality helps dispel any doubts about the price of the artwork, as it confirms the artistic achievement and recognition by a professional jury.
Price Increase
Winning art awards not only legitimizes the current prices of artworks but can also justify future price increases. In the art world, the value of a piece is often determined by its perception. Awards elevate this perception to a higher level and allow the artist to set higher prices for their works.
Increased Recognition and Visibility
Winners of art awards enjoy heightened visibility through promotion on various channels, such as the award's website, media partners, and an extensive network of art collectors and galleries. This increased attention can significantly boost the artist's recognition.
Increased Recognition and Visibility
Winners of art awards enjoy heightened visibility through promotion on various channels, such as the award's website, media partners, and an extensive network of art collectors and galleries. This increased attention can significantly boost the artist's recognition.
More Art Sales
Being listed as an award winner makes artworks more attractive to collectors who are always on the lookout for promising investments. An art prize serves as an indicator of an artist's potential, increasing interest in their works and potentially leading to more sales.
Networking and New Projects
Participating in prestigious art awards like the Berlin Art Award opens up new networking and project opportunities. Such events attract participants from all areas of the art market and encourage exchange as well as the development of new ideas and collaborations.
Reference in Your Resume
Being nominated or winning an art award is an outstanding point for your resume. This is especially true for artists without an academic background, as it significantly boosts their recognition and acceptance in the art world.
Overall, art awards not only provide a platform for recognizing artistic achievements but also serve as a catalyst for professional development, financial success, and networking in the art community.
Prizes of the Berlin Art Award 2024
Various opportunities for promoting and recognizing your artistic achievements.
Winner Seal & Promotional Materials
The winners of the Berlin Art Award 2024 receive an exclusive winner seal that they can use on their website, social media, and printed materials. This seal serves as a visible mark of their award and effectively supports the marketing of their artistic works.
Exclusive Exhibition in an Art Gallery
As part of their prize, the winners have the opportunity to exhibit their works in a renowned art gallery. This exclusive exhibition provides a platform to present their works to a broader audience and receive direct feedback from art lovers and industry experts.
Media Coverage
The winners of the Berlin Art Award enjoy extensive media coverage, which makes their artistic achievements known far beyond the local art scene. This coverage helps to reach a broader audience and increase recognition in the art world.
Social Media Presentation
An exclusive prize for the winners of the 2024 Berlin Art Award is the presentation of their work on our social media channels. With Instagram, we offer an excellent platform to showcase your artwork to a broad audience. Winners will be featured in specially curated Instagram posts and stories, highlighting their artistic vision and unique creations. This exposure increases the visibility and recognition of your work and creates opportunities for new fans, buyers, and collaborations.
Jury Statement
Each winner receives a detailed statement from the jury, which not only serves as valuable recognition of their achievement but can also be used as a compelling marketing tool. This statement can be used for quotes in press releases and other promotional materials to highlight the uniqueness of their art.
Press Release to 195,000 Email Subscribers
The winners will be announced through a press release sent to 195,000 email subscribers via our media partners, including the German Art Trade Journal and the German Press Agency (dpa). This announcement will be sent directly to the editorial offices of all relevant media and ensures comprehensive and targeted media coverage.
Interview in Partner Art Magazines
Winners have the opportunity to appear in interviews with our partner art magazines. These interviews provide a platform to discuss their art, inspiration, and future projects in detail, further increasing their visibility and profile within the art community.

The Participation Process

The application process is deliberately kept simple to make participation accessible to all interested individuals. The initial application is free, giving artists the opportunity to present their work to a wide and diverse audience. After an initial evaluation by our experienced art award team, those artists who advance to the next round and have a realistic chance of winning will be asked to pay a small registration fee (€€) to confirm their participation.
Free Application
Begin your journey to the Berlin Art Award 2024 with a simple and free online application that takes just 2 minutes of your time. This step requires only basic information.
Preliminary Round: The Qualification
In this initial selection round, our experienced art award team carefully reviews all submitted applications to identify those artists who have a realistic chance of being recognized. If you advance to the next round, you will be asked to provide more information about yourself and your artistic practice to deepen your application.
Evaluation by the Jury
Our expert jury evaluates you and other artists based on eight established criteria to determine the finalists and ultimately the winners of the art award. This thorough evaluation ensures a fair and transparent decision-making process.
Announcement of the Winners
The winners will be publicly announced on the Berlin Art Award website.
Award Ceremony & Marketing
As a winner of the Berlin Art Award 2024, you will be honored at a celebratory award ceremony and also receive a series of winner's prizes. These awards include increased visibility and marketing opportunities that can significantly advance your artistic career. After the award ceremony, we will support you with ongoing promotional activities to further enhance your visibility in the art market. This includes exhibitions, publications, and potential collaborations with galleries and art collectors, to sustainably promote your career.
The Award Ceremony
The 2024 awards ceremony honors both established and emerging artists across various categories. Winners receive a seal and extensive media coverage, which will make their artworks and achievements more widely known around the world. The date of the award ceremony will be announced later.
What's behind the Berlin Art Award?
The Berlin Art Award serves as an objective quality mark for outstanding artistic works. Similar to a certified recognition, this award aims to provide artists with a fair opportunity to present and gain recognition for their work. Regardless of their level of fame or previous successes, the Berlin Art Award is open to all who wish to make their art accessible to a wider audience.

The Jury

To ensure the neutrality and impartiality of the evaluation process, the composition of the jury will only be announced at the award ceremony.
We have assembled a jury of recognized experts from the art market, including art historians, art teachers, gallerists, journalists, art collectors, and well-known public figures. These professionals bring a wide range of perspectives and deep knowledge to their evaluation, ensuring a fair and well-informed assessment of the artistic works.
FAQ Got Questions?
How do you win the Berlin Art Award? Who can win?
The Berlin Art Award is open to all artists, regardless of their level of experience or career stage. Every artist has the opportunity to apply for free. Selection for the next round is based solely on the artistic quality of the submitted works. Only those with a realistic chance of winning will be advanced to the next round.
How large does the portfolio need to be to participate in the art award?
There is no minimum requirement for the size of your portfolio. Even a single, impactful piece can be enough to make an impression. The focus is on artistic quality.
I haven’t been making art for long. Do I have a chance?
Yes, the length of time you’ve been creating art is not a factor in the evaluation. Both amateur and established artists are encouraged to apply.
How does the Berlin Art Award differ from other awards?
The Berlin Art Award is distinguished by its connection to Berlin, a globally recognized art metropolis. This geographical and cultural link, combined with a strong network of media partners and a jury of art experts, ensures high visibility and recognition for the awarded artists.
Do I have a chance to win as an amateur artist?
Yes, every artist has a chance. Your dedication and the quality of your work are what matter most.
I haven’t studied art and don’t have references. Do I have a chance?
Yes, a formal art degree or references are not required. Anyone who can convincingly showcase their artistic abilities through their work has a chance for recognition.
Where can I see the jury members?
The names of the jury members will be revealed only after the application phase has ended and the evaluation phase begins, to ensure neutrality and impartiality. The jury members will then be listed on the Berlin Art Award website.
Is there a registration fee?
The initial application phase is free of charge. Artists who make it to the final selection will be asked to pay a small registration fee between 20 and 40 euros to cover administrative costs and ensure a thorough review by the jury.
Is the Berlin Art Award taken seriously?
Yes, through targeted marketing strategies, collaboration with true art experts as jury members, and extensive public relations efforts, the Berlin Art Award has established itself as a serious platform that provides valuable opportunities for both artists and art buyers.
When will the winners be announced?
The winners will be announced later this year. All participants will be kept informed about the progress and results via email.
How many artists can win?
The Berlin Art Award includes several categories with a variety of prizes. In the main category, a select number of artists are honored, while in an emerging talent category, up to 100 artists can be awarded. This structure ensures that many artists receive recognition and support for their work.
How does the Berlin Art Award differ from other art awards?
The Berlin Art Award is distinguished by its connection to Berlin, a globally recognized art metropolis. This geographical and cultural link, combined with a strong network of media partners and a jury of art experts, ensures high visibility and recognition for the awarded artists. The Berlin Art Award is steadily building its brand and will continue to expand its network year by year.
Who organizes the Berlin Art Award?
The Berlin Art Award is organized by the German Art Publishing House in collaboration with various partners and sponsors to ensure broad support and promotion of the arts. If the partners and sponsors have not yet been announced, they will be presented on the website before the award ceremony.
Who are the media partners?
The Berlin Art Award is organized by the Deutscher Kunst Fachverlag (German Art Publishing House) in collaboration with various partners and sponsors to ensure broad support and promotion of the arts. If the partners and sponsors have not yet been announced, they will be presented on the website before the award ceremony.
The Berlin Art Award 2024 is your chance to be seen!